
Inspired by barrucadu, I think I’ll start keeping notes of what I go through every week. Let’s say that entry #1 is from last Wednesday up to today.


  • A Few Billion Lines of Code Later: Using Static Analysis to Find Bugs in the Real World

    Interesting read about static analysis and the practical problems Coverity folks encountered while trying to make it happen for C. It was rather surprising, I’ve mostly had to deal with static analysis and linting in Go, where most of the issues Coverity encountered are simply not present, like parsing.

  • Barrucadu’s Weeknotes: 030

    alphagov has a Bravigation (Brexit Navigation / Making Brexit Content Easier To Find) team. Figures.

  • Networking for Nerds

    Apparently I should not expect the world to beat a path to my door.

  • Jenkins pipeline syntax

    A significan amount of my time at work is spent going up and down on this page.

  • I started reading Getting to Yes again. The first time I couldn’t get into it, but more than 4 years have passed since. Now it seems like a very useful resource.


I broke my cast iron last week. I accidentally left it on the stove for hours, the seasoning turned to flakes and rust appeared at the bottom.

Initially I thought I had to resort to lye based cleaners to strip it, but soaking in warm water with distilled vinegar for a couple of hours cleared the rust up. Currently it’s undergoing the third seasoning effort - the first with olive oil was not very successful, the second with rapeseed oil actually did season the pan a bit and now I’m giving it another go to hopefully make the seasoning better.


This week has been alternating between reading C++, writing Go and reworking more than a few Jenkins jobs. Taking scripts and tests that make implicit assumptions about the environment they run in and making them run inside docker containers is an interesting excersice at best.


I set up lsp-mode again, and this time I’m more than impressed. According to my experimental emacs config’s git history, last time I tried it was more than a year ago. lsp-mode and language servers have improved greatly in the meantime. This change to the Go wiki was suggested by me, I’m very proud of it.

So far I’ve set it up to work with go-mode and gopls. Autocompletion works even with go1.11 and the go cache, as well as eldoc. Both of those were broken with nfs/gocode + company-go. Also, lsp-mode provides lsp-find-type-definition, which I’ve wanted since forever.

Today I experimented with Palantir’s pyls and was pleasantly surprised to find that it highlights the symbol under point, one of the nicest features go-guru provides in go-mode. Find declaration also works in cases anaconda-mode-find-definition won’t jump from the second foo to the first, but lsp-find-definition will. At some point soon I’ll completely replace anaconda-mode with lsp-mode.

lsp-ui looks promising as well, especially the flycheck integration. There are some issues I want to iron out, like the fact I find the floating doc distracting. Maybe next week.